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gank 6:52 Wed Apr 6
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Yeah have fun on the nonce wing, you sex pest.

TomoIrons 6:42 Wed Apr 6
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Hi there chaps,

So sorry for the late reply, should of made more effort after the effort people made to help me!

So we turned up on the day, my lawyer decided to ask the prosecutor if they were willing to offer me a bind over. They declined and we said that we would be pleading not guilty.

At this point, my lawyer got the evidence from the prosecutor. One statement, from the officer himself. My lawyer was fuming that he had even got this far with how much they had.

The date has been moved to 15th of April, to give time to the prosecutor to get the evidence together. The bind over has been put forward again but they haven't accepted to date.

Were trying to get the trial, if it gets that far, moved to a London Magistrates which will be discussed on the 15th because I have atleast 3 witnesses who are willing to testify.

My lawyer is feeling confident, any more news and I'll promise to let you know sooner!

Just for you Trev :)

OLD GEEZER 11:37 Wed Mar 30
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
I was booked on the 7.35 but no way could I get on that. I did just about get on the 8.10 and stood all the way home.
I sent Virgin a complaint the next day and got £25 back in a voucher.
Not great but better than nothing.

Private Dancer 11:35 Wed Mar 30
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
What B said, just another user for info.

Johnson 11:19 Wed Mar 30
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Surely the court reports are available somewhere online if people are that arsed.

I'm not btw.

Trevor B 10:13 Wed Mar 30
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
bearing in mind the last time he posted before this was about 7 months ago and nothing else before that, after he got the 'help' he asked for did anyone really expect tom to reply?

w4hammer 10:11 Wed Mar 30
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
has anyone actually managed to get any money back from virgin for this virginshambles?!

One Word 8:46 Tue Mar 29
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Free the Picacadilly 1

Fifth Column 5:31 Tue Mar 29
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
So, no response.

Doing porridge for definite then.

madeeasy 8:38 Thu Mar 24
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
gank ag x 5

you are something else.... !!!

Just start being nice to DD...

franksfat&slow&wank 6:18 Thu Mar 24
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
ha gank so wrong

gank 6:04 Thu Mar 24
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
He was found guilty of sexual assault (forcing the girl against the railings and using the cover of the crowd to touch her up) and also guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice by using witness statements from others who were there, via this site and other people, to blame the chaos as some kind of misunderstanding. Found not guilty on resistance of arrest an not guilty on assault of a police officer and not guilty of other public order offences, including but not exclusive to affray.

Fifth Column 5:56 Thu Mar 24
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
I was just about to post the same thing.

Free the Piccadilly 1 !!!!!!!!!!!

Herts Hammer 5:55 Thu Mar 24
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
No post from Tommo yet. Did he get banged up?

CasualKen 1:52 Mon Mar 21
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Good luck Tom, but I think you should post more on this site to be honest

Fifth Column 11:34 Sun Mar 20
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Good luck Tomo

joe royal 6:00 Sun Mar 20
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
100 arrests.

One Word 4:35 Sun Mar 20
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Good luck mate

Yet another old bill fuck up, panicking rather than dealing with things in an orderly manner

dicksie3 3:40 Sun Mar 20
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Excellent news.

Best of luck for Thursday.

TomoIrons 3:39 Sun Mar 20
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Alright boys and girls,

Met my solicitor on Thursday and reckons we have a very good chance.

Over 5 witness statements, footage and all the media it has caused saying how poor it was handled gives us a good chance.

He reckons it will either get thrown out or ill be given a bind-over.

Let you know more after Thursday.

Thanks for all your help.


hammerromford 2:26 Thu Mar 17
Re: The Chaos at Manchester Piccadilly
Mate you will need about 3 witnesses and decent solicitor he will call upon every copper there as a witness which wing happen as they can't afford to let a load of officers appear in court for something so trivial. I am up in Manchester myself in a few weeks on a common assault charge and it all boils down to witnesses. I'll message you my solicitors firm they're shit hot.

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